First Pass Effect

Significant first pass effect from hepatic metabolism was observed in one study comparing peak plasma concentrations of DOB measured after oral and subcutaneous dosing in rats [42].

From: Novel Psychoactive Substances (Second Edition), 2022

Chapters and Articles

Tissue Biochemistry

John W. Pelley PhD, in Elsevier's Integrated Biochemistry, 2007

Phase 2 Reactions

Conjugation with glucuronic acid, sulfate, glutamine, glycine, or glutathione increases the water solubility of the xenobiotic and decreases its biological activity (Fig. 20-17). This is the true detoxification step, since phase 1 reactions often can convert inactive xenobiotics to toxic products.

Ethanol is either a metabolite or a xenobiotic, depending on the amount consumed. When consumed in excess, ethanol is detoxified by the cytochrome P-450 microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS). However, when consumed in lower amounts, ethanol can enter normal metabolic pathways. In this case, it is metabolized as if it were fat. Two enzymes, alcohol dehydrogenase (cytosol) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (mitochondrion), convert ethanol to acetate (Fig. 20-18). This increases the NADH to NAD+ ratio in the cytosol and the mitochondrion, which becomes a significant problem in the chronic alcoholic who neglects carbohydrate intake. The shift to fasting metabolism mobilizes free fatty acids to the liver, adding to the acetyl-CoA already produced from ethanol metabolism. As is the case in starvation and untreated diabetes when acetyl-CoA reaches very high levels for a sustained period, acetyl-CoA is shunted into production of ketones with resulting ketoacidosis. The situation is further complicated by the effect of the high NADH to NAD+ ratio on pyruvate. Pyruvate would normally be routed to oxalo-acetate for gluconeogenesis during inadequate carbohydrate intake, but instead it is shunted into lactate (Fig. 20-19). This not only produces lactic acidosis, but it leads to hypoglycemia as well.


First-Pass Effect

Drugs that are administered orally (as opposed to intravenously, intramuscularly, sublingually, or transdermally) must first pass from the intestine to the liver before reaching the general circulation. Thus, for many drugs, much of the dose is reduced by xenobiotic metabolism before reaching the tissues. Since some drugs are metabolized by gut flora or digestive enzymes, the first-pass effect refers to the combined effect of metabolism by the liver and in the gut.


Xenobiotics are nonnutritive chemicals that are metabolized in the liver in two phases: In phase 1 cytochrome P-450 adds a hydroxyl group to the foreign molecule, and in phase 2 conjugation enzymes add a water-soluble molecule like glycine that allows excretion in the urine or bile; xenobiotics include not only toxins and poisons but therapeutic drugs and ethanol.

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Brian Hughes, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Second Edition), 2005


Nicotine undergoes a large first-pass effect during which the liver metabolizes 80–90%. Small amounts are metabolized in the lungs and kidneys. The major metabolic pathway of nicotine is the C-oxidation to cotinine through a nicotine-Δ-1′-(5′)-iminium ion intermediate catalyzed by CYP2A6. Metabolism also occurs via N-oxidation, and glucuronidation of nicotine, cotinine, and trans-3-hydroxycotinine. Nicotine-1′-N-oxide is reduced to nicotine by bacterial flora in the large intestine via an N-oxide reductase system and subsequently undergoes enterohepatic circulation and repeat metabolism in the liver.

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Advances in Molecular Toxicology

Hassan K. Obied, ... Stefania Urbani, in Advances in Molecular Toxicology, 2012

5.2 Metabolism

OBP are metabolized through first-pass effect and phase I and phase II reactions. Studies have reported possible biotransformation of OBP in the intestinal lumen, intestinal cells, blood, and liver. Phase II conjugation reactions are a predominant pathway for the metabolism of simple phenols where 98% of OBP are found as conjugates in plasma and urine [167]. Previous reviews have reported that OBP are primarily glucuronidated as evidenced by detection of their O-glucuronides in plasma [285]. Methyl, sulfate, and glutathionyl conjugates have also been detected in plasma and urine samples following administration of VOO or purified biophenols [167,275,280].

Recently, the metabolism of olive oil phenols by intestinal epithelial cells was investigated by Soler et al.[284]. The major metabolites detected were methylated conjugates, which is in contrast to in vivo studies where the major metabolites are glucuronide conjugates. Soler et al.[284] concluded that this would tend to indicate limited intestinal metabolism in vivo, with the major metabolism occurring in the liver.

Gonzalez-Santiago et al.[288] in a study using purified HT found that the only major metabolite detected in plasma was homovanillic alcohol. The Cmax of this metabolite was reached after 16.7 ± 2.4 min, whereas HT reached a Cmax of 13.0 ± 1.5 min. At 1 h postadministration neither species was detectable.

There is one issue regarding the metabolism of OBP that seems to have not yet been resolved and this is whether or not conjugated phenols (i.e., secoiridoid phenols and VB)are hydrolysed subsequent to absorption? In case of OL, work by Kendall et al.[277] suggested limited hydrolysis may occur. The metabolism of VB has so far not been investigated.

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Clinical Studies of Artemisinin

Youyou Tu, in From Artemisia Annua L. to Artemisinins, 2017

3 Artemisinin Suppositories

Intending to avoid the liver first-pass effect and considering that absorption by mucosa is fast, artemisinin suppositories were developed for the sake of convenient use in children and unconscious patients. The product was granted with the new drug certificate in the same year as artemisinin (1986). The instructions for use are briefly introduced as follows.


Artemisinin suppositories are for rectal use. The product may be used for treating P. falclparum and P. vivax malaria and can rapidly control clinical symptoms. It is particularly suitable for children patients, patients with vomiting and unconsciousness, and critical patients with P. falclparum malaria. It has favorable efficacy in treating chloroquine-resistant malaria.

Dosage and Administration

Insert into the anus to a depth beyond the anal sphincter (see Table 16.4 for the dosage).

Table 16.4. Dosage of artemisinin suppositories

Age Group (years)Total Dose (mg)Day 1 (mg)Day 2 (mg)Day 3 (mg)
Initial Dose4 h After Initial Dosea.m.p.m.a.m.p.m.

On days 2 and 3, the interval between the dose in the morning and the dose in the afternoon is 8 h.


Use in early pregnancy (the first trimester) is not recommended.

To avoid poor absorption, caution should be taken for use in patients with frequent diarrhea and shock.

It is preferential to pass the stool before taking the medicine. Patients who passed the stool within 2 h after drug administration should take an additional dose to ensure the drug quantity is sufficient.


Preserve in a shady and cool place, and protect from light.

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Manipulation of Physiological Processes for Pharmaceutical Product Development

Rahul Maheshwari, ... Rakesh K. Tekade, in Dosage Form Design Considerations, 2018

20.2.7 First-Pass Excretion

The first-pass metabolism or the first-pass effect or presystemic metabolism is the phenomenon which occurs whenever the drug is administered orally, enters the liver, and suffers extensive biotransformation to such an extent that the bioavailability is drastically reduced, thus showing subtherapeutic action (Chordiya et al., 2017). It happens when the drug is absorbed through GIT and then via the enterohepatic circulation the drug is absorbed directly into the liver where it undergoes metabolism before being released into the systemic circulation. Generally while designing a drug, some candidates may show good “drug-likeness” but fail due to their biochemical sensitivity towards metabolizing enzymes (Kashyap et al., 2017). Hence, to counteract this first-pass effect the total quantity of metabolized drug is to be calculated and an equivalent amount of excess drug is added to the oral formulation, or an alternative route for administration is recommended to bypass the first-pass metabolism.

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Clinical psychopharmacology

David Cunningham Owens, in Companion to Psychiatric Studies (Eighth Edition), 2010


Mianserin is rapidly absorbed and subject to extensive first-pass effects. Its bioavailability is less than 30%. Time to peak is in the region of 3 hours and its half-life is between 10 and 20 hours, though is much extended in the elderly. It is completely metabolised and some products, such as desmethylmianserin, are weakly active.

Trazodone is rapidly absorbed (Tmax = 1–2 hours) and prone to first-pass effects, though 60–80% reaches the systemic circulation. First-pass metabolism may be saturable and plasma levels may follow non-linear pharmacokinetics. Half-life is, for an antidepressant, relatively short at 5–9 hours and excretion is mainly renal. A major metabolite of trazodone, m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-CPP), has anxiogenic properties which counter the sedative ones of the parent and may produce clinical effects in patients who attain high blood levels (Preskorn 1993).

The main SSRIs are particularly distinguished by variable pharmacokinetics (Table 11.7). All are well, if slowly, absorbed and with fluoxetine may be delayed further by food (Goodnick 1991). Likewise all are extensively metabolised. Both fluoxetine and paroxetine inhibit their own metabolism, so show non-linear kinetics, with increasing doses producing disproportionately large increases in blood levels (Preskorn 1993). In the case of fluvoxamine and paroxetine, metabolism does not appear to result in active metabolites. With the others it does, though the contribution these make to efficacy is not uniform. Fluoxetine's major metabolite, desmethylfluoxetine (‘norfluoxetine’), is roughly equipotent in relation to serotonin reuptake inhibition as the parent but its real importance lies in its exceptionally long elimination half-life (7–15 days). Metabolic parameters may be extended in those with hepatic disease. Desmethylfluoxetine has a major impact on clinical action and on treatment decisions, especially following discontinuation. The mono- and di-methylated metabolites of citralopram are likewise serotonin reuptake inhibitors though are respectively 4 and 13 times less potent than the parent (Boyer & Feighner 1991). Desmethylcitalopram is however considerably more potent than its parent in inhibiting noradrenaline reuptake. The clinical impact of these in vitro findings is likely to be modified by the fact that both metabolites penetrate the brain poorly and although opinions differ, it appears they make little contribution to the therapeutic package. Citralopram's half-life is extended in the elderly. The primary metabolite of sertraline, desmethylsertraline, is ~5–10 times weaker as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor than the parent. Its elimination half-life however is, at over 60 hours, some two and a half times that of sertraline, and while in the elderly this variable is unchanged for sertraline, the half-life of the metabolite is prolonged. For most clinical scenarios it seems unlikely that desmethylsertraline contributes to the therapeutic effect, though there may be some clinical effects in the elderly.

It can be appreciated that for some members of this group steady state can take some time to achieve – citalopram up to a week, fluoxetine 10 days to 3 weeks and for norfluoxetine anything from 4 to 8 weeks.

Venlafaxine is presented as a racemic mix of two active enantiomers. It is readily absorbed with Tmax values in the range of 2–3 hours and first-pass effects are substantial. Protein binding is low compared to other antidepressants (<30%). Its half-life is also short (approximately 5 hours) but that of its major metabolite, O-desmethylvenlafaxine, which is active, is about twice that of the parent. Excretion is almost exclusively renal.

Duloxetine is well absorbed though this may be delayed by food. Cmax is unaffected. Tmax is on average ~6 hours (up to 10 hours after food). The drug is >90% bound to both albumen and α1-acid glycoprotein. Elimination half-life, at 12 hours on average, is short for once daily dosing. It is extensively metabolised with excretion mainly (~70%) urinary.

Reboxetine is structurally related to both fluoxetine and the now withdrawn viloxazine. It too is presented as a racemic mixture of two enantiomers which appear to have similar kinetics. It is rapidly absorbed (Tmax ~2 hours) with an elimination half-life is in the region of 13 hours. It is highly protein bound, mainly to α1-glycoprotein. Metabolites are mostly excreted in the urine though some may also be excreted in faeces. Unlike most antidepressants, it appears to have little interaction with the cytochrome P450 system (Dostert et al 1997). This, together with its lack of action on serotonergic systems or against MAO, suggests in theory that combined use may be particularly uncomplicated.

Mirtazapine is again an enantiomeric ‘composite’ ((R)-(−) and (S)-(+)) with cytochrome P450 polymorphisms effecting only the (S)-(+) enantiomer. Absorption is only minimally dependent on gastric contents, with Tmax at around 2 hours. Half-life, which varies from 20 to 40 hours, is comfortably suitable for once daily dosing. It is ~80–85% protein bound with 50% bioavailability largely due to first-pass effects. It does not modify its own metabolism, and interactions with other drugs are rare and clinically insignificant.

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One-Carbon Metabolism in Liver Health and Disease

J.M. Mato, ... S.C. Lu, in Liver Pathophysiology, 2017

S-Adenosylmethionine Treatment in Liver Disease

Bioavailability of orally administered SAMe is poor due to a significant first-pass effect and rapid hepatic metabolism (Loehrer et al., 1997). The half-life of hepatic SAMe under physiological conditions has been estimated to be only about 5 min (Mudd and Poole, 1975). Consistent with this, we previously observed that following SAMe intraperitoneal injection (200 mg/kg), liver SAMe content rose rapidly reaching a peak in 15 min and recovering to basal levels by 4 h after injection (Lu, 2009). Serum concentration of SAMe is low compared to its cellular concentration and has been shown to increase up to 10-fold after its oral administration returning to baseline levels with a half-life of 1.7 h (Loehrer et al., 1997). Nevertheless, SAMe treatment has been shown to reverse NASH in the MCD-diet model (Oz et al., 2006), to prevent CCl4-induced liver fibrosis in the rat (Corrales et al., 1992) and to attenuate the consequences of ethanol-induced oxidative stress in various experimental models including nonhuman primates (Lieber et al., 1990). SAMe has also been shown to be effective in preventing HCC establishment in the rat although ineffective in treating established HCC because of induction of hepatic GNMT, which prevented SAMe content to reach high enough level needed to kill liver cancer cells (Lu, 2009). One of the chemopreventive actions of SAMe is likely related to its proapoptotic activity in liver cancer cells. SAMe is antiapoptotic in normal hepatocytes but proapoptotic in cancerous hepatocytes (Ansorena et al., 2002). MAT1A is often downregulated in patients with NASH (Moylan et al., 2014). Furthermore, its expression and activity is reduced to undetectable in most cirrhotic livers (Avila et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2004) and is often silenced in HCC (Cai et al., 1996), which correlates with poor prognosis (Frau et al., 2012). These results indicate that MAT1A deficiency is frequent in human chronic liver disease. Accordingly, oral SAMe administration has been shown to increase hepatic GSH content in patients with liver disease (Vendemiale et al., 1989) and to increase survival in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (Mato et al., 1999).

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Konnie H. Plumlee DVM, MS, Dipl ABVT, ACVIM, in Clinical Veterinary Toxicology, 2004



Representatives of this class of compounds include verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine, and nimodipine.


All calcium antagonists are rapidly absorbed from the small intestine. First pass effect is significant with these compounds, which may become saturated in the intoxicated animal, leading to greater drug absorption.

Mechanism of Action.

All calcium antagonists act by preventing the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels (the L type). They slow the influx of calcium into the cell and inhibit the calcium-dependent processes in cardiac cells. The desired therapeutic response is vasodilation (coronary and peripheral), decreased cardiac contractility, and decreased nodal activity and conduction. The result of the conducting system blockade is more noted at the SA and AV nodes because there are no sodium channels in these areas and conduction is dependent on calcium flux.4

Toxicity and Risk Factors.

In humans, two to three times the normal dose may cause intoxication. Experimentally, doses greater than 0.7 mg/kg altered hemodynamic param-eters in dogs.4 Cats and small dogs, because of their lower weight, are at greatest risk of intoxication from accidental ingestion of their owners’ medications.

Clinical Signs.

Animals presenting with overdose may have depression or loss of consciousness resulting from hypotension and bradycardia.4,5 Other earlier signs can include nausea, vomiting, and disorientation.


The animal should have a patent airway and oxygen therapy should be given, if needed. Activated charcoal and sorbitol (Toxiban) should be administered if clinical signs are not severe and the danger of aspiration is minimal. Repeated administration of activated charcoal may be beneficial, especially if the cardiac medication is a sustained-release type.

Therapy for hypotension symptoms includes intravenous fluids. Specific antidotal therapy is the administration of calcium (calcium chloride or calcium gluconate). Refractory hypotension should be treated with glucagons6 or isoproterenol, or with vasopressor therapy (norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine).4 Alternatively, insulin reverses the hemodynamic alterations induced by calcium channel antagonists.7 ECG monitoring aids in the diagnosis of any arrhythmias.


The prognosis is guarded for animals exhibiting severe clinical signs. In humans, the prognosis is correlated to the degree of heart block. Human overdose patients who present with hypotension and no heart block generally respond to fluid therapy. For the veterinary patient, the prognosis depends on coingestion of other drugs, underlying heart disease, age of the animal, and the delay from ingestion to presentation.

Prevention and Control.

Pet owners should be reminded of the dangers that their medications pose to their pets.

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Hypothalamic, pituitary and sex hormones

Karim Meeran, in Clinical Pharmacology (Eleventh Edition), 2012


This is an easy and effective route but is subject to the first-pass effect through the liver, and higher doses are needed in comparison to other formulations.


formulations are in the form of patches and gels. This route may eliminate the risk of thrombosis associated with oral oestrogen.

Subcutaneous implants

Crystalline pellets inserted into the anterior wall or buttock release hormone over several months. Used in women who undergo oophorectomy and hysterectomy, they are usually repeated at 6 months and tachyphylaxis may be a problem.

Vaginal (ring, cream, tablet or pessary)

Low-dose oestrogen therapy is delivered for treatment of urogenital symptoms. If used for long periods, i.e. more than 2 years, progesterone should be added to avoid endometrial hyperplasia.


A nasal spray is available. It delivers 300 micrograms of estradiol daily.

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Dopa-decarboxylase Inhibitors

Paul M. Carvey, in Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders, 2010

Efficacy of AAADIs

The coadministration of AAADIs together with levodopa produces greater absorption, reduced first-pass effect, and increased entry into brain. Central efficacy of levodopa is generally increased 4–5-fold in the presence of AAADIs. Although levodopa is absorbed from the gut via the large neutral amino acid facilitative transporter (LAT1), its availability for transport is dependent upon decarboxylation that occurs in the GI tract. By inhibiting AAAD, the AAADIs increase LAT1 substrate availability. Similarly, inhibition of AAAD in liver and the rest of the body increases the amount of levodopa available for transport across the BBB by LAT1 found in endothelial cells in the BBB. As a result, a significantly larger fraction of levodopa is available for entry into the brain in the presence of AAADIs. Since AAADIs at administered doses used clinically do not enter the brain in the presence of an intact BBB, levodopa is transported into brain where it can be decarboxylated to DA by AAAD present in neurons and astrocytes.

The AAADIs competitively inhibit AAAD in a dose-dependent fashion. Prior to the advent of AAADIs, inhibition of AAAD was achieved somewhat by depleting pyridoxine in the patient's diet, although the clinical benefit was always controversial. This approach is not needed if AAADIs are coadministered with levodopa. Both the AAADIs have longer plasma half-lives than levodopa, and as a result, accumulate over the day under the multiple daily dosing regimens generally used clinically. Initial administration of low doses of the combination formulation can result in inadequate AAAD inhibition resulting in peripheral side effects. This problem can be averted by prescribing a higher ratio of AAADI/levodopa in the combination formulation. Carbidopa is available as a monotherapy to supplement decarboxylase inhibition when patients exhibit peripheral side effects following combination therapy.

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